The yoga mats

The Saudade spirit is to create beautiful and durable objects that are also functional. Companions for all times of our daily lives. Our yoga mats are hand-woven with cotton scraps from the textile industry, just like original yoga mats were. 

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The superiority of cotton lies in its absorbency and breathability. Machine washable, ultra-resistant and portable like a bag, these mats will follow you, body and soul, in your practice. Use at home and outside.
Yoga mats

Comporta Navy yoga mat

The design of this yoga mat is inspired by the natural landscape of the sublime Comporta. Its navy blue colour evokes the indigo of Ajna, the third eye, the seat of our intuition and consciousness. SAUDADE yoga mats are handwoven with upcycled cotton leftovers, which enables the circulation of earth natural energy.
Yoga mats

Comporta Saudade Blue yoga mat

The design of this yoga mat is inspired by the natural landscape of the sublime Comporta. Its blue evokes the blue of Vishuddha, the throat chakra, which activates our ability to communicate. SAUDADE yoga mats are handwoven with upcycled cotton leftovers, which enables the circulation of earth natural energy.
Yoga mats

Comporta Khaki yoga mat

The design of this yoga mat is inspired by the natural landscape of the sublime Comporta. Its green reminds us of Anahata, the heart chakra, our capacity to truly love. SAUDADE yoga mats are handwoven with upcycled cotton leftovers, which enables the circulation of earth natural energy.
Yoga mats

Comporta Grey yoga mat

The design of this yoga mat is inspired by the natural landscape of the sublime Comporta. Its grey colour evokes balance and timelessness. SAUDADE yoga mats are handwoven with upcycled cotton leftovers, which enables the circulation of earth natural energy. 
Yoga mats

Horizonte Blue meditation mat

This meditation mat’s design is an interpretation of the infinite horizons that stretch from the Beira Alta mountains, in the north of Portugal. SAUDADE meditation mats are handwoven with upcycled cotton leftovers, which enables the circulation of the earth's natural energy. 
Yoga mats

Horizonte Khaki, Yellow and Black meditation mat

This meditation mat’s design is an interpretation of the infinite horizons that stretch from the Beira Alta mountains, in the north of Portugal. SAUDADE meditation mats are handwoven with upcycled cotton leftovers, which enables the circulation of the earth's natural energy. 
Yoga mats

Horizonte Khaki, Yellow and White meditation mat

This meditation mat’s design is an interpretation of the infinite horizons that stretch from the Beira Alta mountains, in the north of Portugal. SAUDADE meditation mats are handwoven with upcycled cotton leftovers, which enables the circulation of the earth's natural energy. 
Yoga mats

Horizonte Pink meditation mat

This meditation mat’s design is an interpretation of the infinite horizons that stretch from the Beira Alta mountains, in the north of Portugal. SAUDADE meditation mats are handwoven with upcycled cotton leftovers, which enables the circulation of the earth's natural energy.

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