Beauty & Poetry of places

Emilie - Founder & photographer of Sweet Cabane

Par: Aurélie Routhier

It is in the heart of the 6th district of Paris, a few meters from the Luxembourg garden, that we can meet Emilie. The photographer and founder of Sweet Cabane, who knows so well how to capture the beauty and the poetry of places, welcomes us in her own "cabane". An urban nest that makes us lose our spatio-temporal reference points as it harmoniously blends handcrafted objects brought back from travels and furniture from all eras. A very personal style, all in nuances that we guess influenced by nothing else than the sensibility of the owner. What we can call: a place with a somewhat of Saudade!

How was Sweet Cabane born?

After working as a consultant for the media, I wanted to create my own media, more personal and in resonance with what I was deeply curious about.  Everything that I love in life, human experiences, beautiful moments... everything that makes me feel good!

Eight years ago, the world was very different! We were not yet saturated with all the content that we receive from everywhere, mainly from the social media. Interior design did not have the importance that it has today.  And yet, I already felt the desire to provide images of beautiful places and objects, wonderful things for people to have a “break” from this stressful world. Originally, Sweet Cabane was going to be called "Living slowly in the city" - then it became "inspiration book of a photographer".

How do you define beauty?

In my opinion, beauty is an harmony that both calms and gives rise to an emotion. That fleeting moment of grace when everything aligns.  The light that occurs just in the right place and suddenly creates a perfect balance, for a few seconds. It's wonderful when the simplest of moments becomes incredible under the effect of light.  Just yesterday, after the rain had passed, I was looking out of my window at a café terrace: the ground was shining, and the people were lit up like in a theater scene.

Who inspires you the most?

The free and visionary Georgia O’Keeffe. She is the representation of the complete artist par excellence and the incarnation of modern femininity.

Saul Leiter, Lee Friedlander and François Halard for their amazing photography. 

Joyce Menard, Lee Harper, or Joyce Carol Oates, the American way of telling stories is unique and it's no coincidence that the art of storytelling is still cultivated there and that is why I also love American literature.

Tell us about your  Saudade’s rug. Why did you choose the Comporta model?

I like its minimalist design, which does not detract from the fact that it is very warm. It's assertive without being too protagonist. Its bright white color enlarges the space and cohabits perfectly with my heteroclite decor. 

Where does your rug takes you?

To San Francisco. We moved there in 2019 and then the covid happened and we had to get back to Paris sooner than we expected. It was long enough for us to keep a sweet nostalgia, especially for the incredible light, but too short not to leave us a feeling of unfinished business.

Lady carpet or mother cushions?

I'm going to give a (non) Norman answer, as we say in France, but I'd say I'm more of a flower-woman! :) 

At home, I have flowers everywhere, in vases, in prints on the wall… I like to surround myself with plants. Paris is so little impregnated with nature that is necessary to make it come to our apartments!

What would be the most "Saudade" item in your home?

A handmade copper vase from General Store, bought in San Francisco. It sits above my desk. When I feel like getting away from it all, I just look at it and start smiling because I start remembering the beautiful moments of our Californian epic.

Saudade is a mixture between nostalgia and hope. What about your last Saudade feeling?

I am the personification of Saudade in a way, I thought you understood it from my answers! I am kidding! ...although it is a feeling I can easily experiment and that I like actually... a way to hold back emotions while putting them across. Like a reverie between light and shadow that makes us feel even more alive. And creative!

A house in Lisbon, like a summer dream.
A house in Lisbon, like a summer dream.
The eye of the artist, the hand of the craftsman.
The eye of the artist, the hand of the craftsman.

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